✴⁎Vanilla Chi✴⁎


Sep 2017- Jun 2021

BFA Illutration, School of Visual Arts, NY
💿️(1/6)The Rhodes Family Award for Outstanding Students

∗٭✺꙳⋆🌺️⁑🎶️Featured & Recognitions🎍️∗٭✺꙳⋆⁑
2022 METAL Magazine
“Harsh realities in delicate illustrations.”

2021 It’s Nice That
“We will never be silent again”: Vanilla Chi creates a downloadable poster about facing anti-Asian hate

2021 Voicer
Vanilla Chi:我要告诉人们他们不知道的东西,给他们看他们看不到的东西

2021 Kiblind Magazine
Les Gens du Mag : Vanilla Chi

2021 It’s Nice That
“I am reluctant to show my emotions to others”: Vanilla Chi reveals her true self through story-led illustrations

2021 Little Things Magazine 恋物志

2020 Ground Ooh Art
Ooh Art Saturday|Vanilla Chi

2020 Gallery Magazine
《画廊》艺术家工作室|幽暗冬日的彩色焰火- Vanilla的画和书

Society of Illustrators

  • Silver Medal in Editoial,  IlLUSTRATOR 64

3x3 Mag Illustration Award

    • Distinguished Merit

    Society of Illustrators

    • $2000 Nancy Lee Rhodes Roberts Scholarship Award

    School of  Visual Arts

    • Gilbert Stone Full Tuition Scholarship

    2020, 2021
    American Illustrator (AI39, AI40)

    • Chosen Winner

    Communication Art

    • Shortlist

    Society of Illustrators

    • $1000 Nancy Lee Rhodes Roberts Scholarship Award



    -Jyni Ong, Staff writter, It’s Nice That
    “Scenes of contemplation are rife in Vanilla’s work. She aims to strike a delicate balance between tones of straightforwardness and ambiguity.”

    -Kiblind Magazine, France
    “Ornamental patterns, Chinese folk elements, colors as pastel as candy: this is the trio of shock that immediately differentiates the beautiful illustrations of Vanilla Chi from those of ordinary people.”

                                               -Ground Ooh Arts
    “在作品创作中,这位敏感少女善于以自己本体去滋养艺术,将生命中的点滴历程融入画面,带来令人动容的美丽。作品之外,她的表达又非常丰满,你绝不会感到一丝丝的枯燥和乏味,而是被真诚的文字所打动,只想更深的与这个有趣的灵魂对话。Vanilla Chi 似一本珍宝书籍,值得你细细品味,慢慢欣赏。”